Friday, March 11, 2011

Ironing: Don't Phone Mum


We have hit an amazing milestone at my house...passing the ironing torch on to the next generation. This is one of the best days of my life:

About a year ago we started telling the kids we'd pay them a dollar for each shirt they ironed. For a while, all I got was an eye-roll, but times are tough, you know, and we are in an economic depression, so the girls have taken up this paying job when they are desperate for a little cash:

"Did you get the Epic Fail sticker?" Yep:

Today Eryn felt up to the drudgery task. She chose her weapon well (the modern 'featherweight' iron), picked the battlefield (grabbing Tony's 156 wrinkled shirts...this may or may not be an exaggeration), and is determined to win the epic battle:

I gave her a kiss on both cheeks, bid her farewell and good luck. Tears were shed, but they were tears of happiness and gratitude because 1: I didn't have to do it and 2: I can see the fruits of my labor:

She did enlist the help of Alivia.

Alivia handing Eryn hangers and shirts:   

Pass it on Eryn:


  1. I love that! I remember when my parent paid me to do Ironing and i would do it as often as i could. It's not fun...By any stretch of the imagination. but a dollar is a dollar. I would go back to that in a heartbeat!

  2. Maddy does ours, too! She was actually upset yesterday that I had ironed some on my own, robbing her of some valuable cash :).
    Valuable life skills for her + work reduction for me = Bi-Winning! (That's my last Charlie Sheen joke ever.)
