Monday, March 7, 2011

FHE: Moments and Mayhem

I've been working on teaching Alivia about kindness:
I've been especially focused on how she should treat her family:
She's been a little grumpy and cross with her sisters:

I've been reminding the older girls to "Be positive in what and how you say things to each other:
...especially to Alivia because she's prone to have bigger fits than you do":
It hasn't helped that they, being girls and sisters, tend to take her peevishness personally:
I try to call attention to the fact that they are older then she is:
And that they are wiser than she is: 
Because she's 3...just sayin':

To me this sounded like all the good ingredients for a teaching moment:
And what do mom's do when there's a teaching moment?
We mix it all up in a blender:
And we have a Family Home Evening on it:

Tony had asked Eryn to give the lesson earlier in the day:
But considering Josh didn't get home until 7:10 and Eryn needed to leave at 7:20:
It became an quick, impromptu lesson:

Eryn asked Alivia about who might belong to our family:
"Daddy, Mommy, Smike, Josh, Kenzie"
Eryn asked, "Anyone else?"
Alivia cautiously said  "And Eryn...?"
Eryn taught about how we should treat each other:
Should there be any fighting?
Should Josh leave his sisters alone when they ask him to?
All the basics of being kind to each other:

Alivia then asked for a story:
Eryn said she "Wasn't THAT prepared":

"Daddy? Your turn":
"Ummm, can't think of one...":

"Momma? Your turn":

Well, you don't have to ask me twice...

So I start in on "Once upon a time there was a happy family:
And they did lots of fun things together that made them happy:
But, one day, the littlest girl in the family was grumpy and mad...":

At this point of the story Eryn interups and yells:
Alivia starts crying...
Eryn is freaking out:
The rest of us are laughing...
It's mayhem:

It's definitely a Fife Family Home Evening:

This rest of the night is spent:
Steam cleaning couch:
Giving Alivia a bath:
And un-traumtizing Eryn:

Teaching Moment?  I think, yes: 



  1. Um, that's pretty awesome. Also awesome? That you got the girls to reinact the moment, complete with convincing facial expression on Alivia.

  2. thats so reminiscent of FHE at my home when we were kids.

  3. HA!!! Hilarious! gotta love those REAL moments in life.
