Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flu: Superhero and Kleenex

We have definitely been hit by the flu this past week:

Tony came home early from work on Tuesday:
Our house has not been the same since:

Next to fall was MeKenzie:

Then Eryn:

Yesterday, Alivia:

Josh has been holding his breath for 5 days:

It has not been pretty:

I spent yesterday trying to keep Alivia in my bedroom
so the infestation wouldn't spread:

Luckily she was pretty out of it all day 
and was happy to lay on me:
All day:
That's right, laying on me... all day:

I have been coughed and sneezed on so much this past week that I've decided that I must be a Superhero:

Reason #1 for this conclusion:
I have not succumbed to this germ-fest:

I guess #1 was a good enough reason
because I can't think of another one:

Although, I am cool enough to be a Superhero:
It's called being a Wife and Mom:

This is exactly what I look like with the mask on:


  1. Trina, you are hilarious! When it gets this bad, all we can do is laugh, right? You are so creative, I'm going to follow your blog from now on!

  2. LOL!!!!! Moms don't get sick. We do have super powers!!! Hope things start looking up soon in the Fife home.

  3. Hooray for superpowers, including an invisible force field protecting against germs. It goes lovely with your invisible plan and truth lasso.

  4. lol...great one!! I love your outfit. I apparently don't have your powers! LOVE your outfit with the mask...can I borrower it?

  5. Oh man! get better over there!! I am so so so so happy you started a blog so I can keep up on you and your adorable family! I miss you. I miss our good ole primary know when all both of us wanted was a baby... love, Krista
