I have a friend that I served in Primary with that use to say,
"I just don't have a testimony of..."
It always made me laugh because it was always something
that she didn't really think we needed to do.
I would tell her that this is a good opportunity for her testimony to grow on said subject:
I'm telling this story because 1: I really love my friend and have been thinking of her,
and 2: I really don't have a testimony about Mother's Day.
Every year I always think that this will be the year I appreciate Mother's Day.
This will be the year I gain my testimony about why we have a day set aside to say,
"Thanks, Mom. You're really swell." :
Sadly, another year has passed and I just don't get it.
Don't get me wrong. I love being a Mom. I'm so thankful to be one.
To have my Eryn, my Joshy, my MeKenzie and my Alivia is everything to me.
I wouldn't be me without them:
Having said that:
I just think that one day a year, after sacrificing everything for our off-spring,
is just not enough:
We start off by throwing up all that is good and yummy and call it "Morning Sickness"
What? Are you kidding?
It lasts all day and all night, and for some (me) 9 consecutive months.
There are still things I can't eat!
Then we move on to our bodies getting huge.
Stretch marks to mar our once flawless skin.
We can't even walk without waddling. Or tie our shoes.
And with the hugeness comes mind numbing soreness.
All over:
I'll try to save the horror stories for someones baby shower and fast forward a little.
If you're a mom you know all this factual information already.
If you're not, I don't want to be the one responsible for scaring you:
Sleepless Nights:
More vomiting. Not from you, but on you:
Loss of brain function...for the rest of your life:
Creative meals 3 times a day:
Tears. Sometimes yours:
No more alone time:
Clothes that will never fit you again:
Being in your car 15 hours a day:
Middle School:
High School:
More sleepless nights:
Prescription drugs (again, yours):
I know there's more here, but refer to my lost brain function:
So, let me just say that Mother's really are swell.
We totally rock it.
We give up everything and we know we will never ever get it back:
But, would we have it any other way?
Maybe a little more alone time would be nice:
Me and my beautiful Mom. |
I love you Mom. Thank you so much for all your sacrifices for me.